By Rev. Yareni AlvaradoBeldar and Ornela of Edmond, OK married at Will Rogers Gardens in Oklahoma City, OK. The lovely couple are originally from Albania and relocated to Oklahoma over eight years ago.
The couple wanted an outdoor wedding ceremony during sunset. Their wedding ceremony at Will Rogers Garden was lots of fall foliage, ducks in the pond, cool weather, and a beautiful sunset that was perfect for Beldar and Ornela to unite in holy matrimony. Beldar and Ornela were joined by their two witnesses and it made for a heartfelt intimate wedding ceremony. Their two witnesses enjoyed the wedding ceremony so much that they want to get married next! Beldar and Ornela are looking forward to beginning their new chapter together as husband and wife. Best wishes to Beldar and Ornela!
By Rev. Yareni AlvaradoJerry and Joie of Edmond, Oklahoma married at the Myriad Botanical Gardens in downtown OKC.
Jerry & Joie's intimate wedding ceremony was inside of the botanical gardens with the waterfalls being the backdrop for their elopement. The serene and peaceful ambiance made for a perfect yet romantic wedding ceremony for Jerry & Joie. At their wedding ceremony they wanted to include their grandson Jace as a ring bearer and he did an incredible job holding the ring security case that held the wedding rings securely inside. They also had a custom prayer that united the family of three as a whole. Furthermore, those special touches made their wedding ceremony a warmhearted and joyful occasion. Jerry & Joie's love story is one of a kind! The couple recently relocated to OKC from New Mexico. Jerry & Joie originally met in high school and reconnected via Facebook. As divine timing would have it, 40 years later Jerry & Joie decided to get married. Jerry & Joie's love story is a testimony that everything in life happens at exactly the right moment in time. Best wishes to Jerry & Joie! |
"Two lives, two hearts joined together in friendship united forever in love." AuthorHello brides and grooms! OKC Bilingual Wedding OfficiantOklahoma City Bilingual Wedding Officiant
December 2024